Western Districts Joggers & Harriers Incorporated
ADOPTED 3rd August, 2013 AGM
1. Aims & Objectives
1.1 The title of the club shall be Western Districts Joggers & Harriers Incorporated, hereinafter referred to as the Club.
1.2 The club will have as its main aim: The ideal of promoting health and fellowship through running.
1.3 The club will also endeavour to assist less fortunate members of the community by conducting events to raise funds which will be donated to worthwhile charities, chosen by the current committee of the Club.
1.4 The club will meet every Saturday at Lake Gillawarna, Georges Hall, NSW for the purpose of conducting events determined by the committee.
1.5 All members of the community are invited to join the Club.
1.6 The objectives of the club are:
2. Membership
2.1 To take part regularly in the club’s activities you need to become a member.
2.2 To become a member of the Club it is necessary to pay an annual membership fee as determined by the committee, complete a registration form and, if a new member, receive a registered number.
2.3 Members are expected to be conversant with and to observe the rules of the Club, and are further expected to conduct themselves in a manner that will not discredit the Club.
2.4 Only registered members of the Club are eligible to hold office in the Club or to vote at the Annual General Meeting.
2.5 Life Members will be exempt from the payment of annual registration fees.
2.6 A register of members will be kept by the Club’s Registration Officer.
2.7 When in attendance members of the Club shall pay a weekly fee as determined by the committee.
3. Annual General Meeting
3.1 The AGM shall be held in August each year. Notification shall be given to members at least 21 days before the meeting by being displayed on the noticeboard.
3.2 The AGM is open to all members who have registered at least 7 days prior to the meeting.
3.3 At the AGM a committee of no more than 25 members, of whom a maximum of 10 are to be executive officers, shall be appointed to run the affairs of the Club.
3.4 Written nominations for the 10 executive positions must be made at least 7 days prior to the AGM. These nominations are to have a proposer and the assent of the nominee. Any nominee for an executive position must have been a member for at least 6 months.
3.5 If no nominations are received for positions on the executive committee, nominations will be called for from the floor at the AGM. The nominee must be present at the AGM.
3.6 After this process if vacancies still remain for the committee (executive and general), appointments can be made to fill these vacancies, by the elected committee.
3.7 Members must be present at the meeting to vote.
3.8 A quorum for the AGM will be 10% of registered members.
3.9 Any proposal put to the AGM will require a 2/3 majority of those present. It must be presented at least 21 days prior to the AGM.
3.10 The AGM will follow the procedures set out below:
3.10.1 The election of the executive committee with an invited returning officer to be an impartial observer. Should more than one person be nominated for any position then the election will be by secret ballot by those in attendance.
3.10.2 Selection of the remainder of the general committee.
3.10.3 Dealing with any proposals.
3.11 An Extraordinary General Meeting will follow the relevant procedures of the AGM.
4. Committee Meetings
4.1 The Club shall hold regular committee meetings as necessary.
4.2 A quorum for committee meetings shall be 10 of whom at least 3 shall be executive members.
4.3 All registered Club members have the right to attend committee meetings and to participate in any discussions. They are not entitled to vote at the meeting, although they may propose a motion.
4.4 Any committee member who fails to attend 3 consecutive committee meetings without just cause could be deemed to have forgone his/her position on the committee, at the discretion of the committee.
5. Executive Meetings
5.1 Executive committee meetings may be called at any time to deal with urgent business. Where possible best endeavours must be made to consult with the president, vice-presidents, secretary and treasurer.
6.1 Any member violating the rules of the Club, or who shall misconduct himself/herself or act contrary to the general policy of the Club as determined by the Committee, may be expelled by a four-fifths majority of the Committee voting at a meeting thereof, and of which notice has been given to the member concerned and at which meeting he/she shall be entitled to be heard. Notice of the violation of the rules or his/her misconduct shall be given in writing at least seven days prior to the meeting and forwarded by Registered Post to his/her last known address.
6.2 Any member so expelled in accordance with the Rules shall have a right to appeal to a General Meeting against such expulsion. Such appeal shall be lodged by him/her in writing to the Secretary within fourteen days from the date of the meeting of the committee at which his/her expulsion was decided. Within seven days from the receipt of the notice of appeal the Secretary shall forward to all members notification of a General Meeting to be called within fourteen days for the consideration of the appeal.
6.3 A decision to rescind the expulsion will only be taken on a four-fifths majority of members present, eligible to vote and voting. All members are deemed to be conversant with the Rules and By-Laws of the club and ignorance shall not be considered as a ground of appeal.
7. Officers of the Club
7.1 The Club shall have a committee not exceeding 25 members, including a maximum of 10 executive officers.
7.2 Committee members shall be selected according to rules and procedures set out in point 3 (Annual General Meeting).
7.3 In the event of the number of committee members falling below 10 the executive committee shall call for nominations whenever necessary to fill the vacancies.
7.4 The committee shall follow the necessary procedures to inform the Department of Fair Trading should the position of Public Officer become vacant.
7.5 Executive Committee shall consist of the following elected officers: president, 1 or 2 vice-presidents, secretary, treasurer, registration officer, publicity officer, public officer and a male and female club captain.
8. Sub-Committees
8.1 The executive committee may appoint a sub-committee for special purposes as necessary.
8.2 Sub-committees shall report to the executive and general committee.
9.1 Life Membership may be granted to an outstanding member based on:
9.1.1 Excellent and continuous service to the Club over a prolonged period in the field of administration and/or competition.
9.1.2 Unique and meritorious qualities in a member warranting conferment of this outstanding award.
9.2 Any member may nominate a fellow member for this award at any time. The nomination is to be in writing to the committee with an explanation addressing the above criteria.
9.3 The whole committee will consider the nomination and, if approved, the award will be made at the next Presentation Night.
9.4 Should the committee reject the nomination it will inform the nominating member in writing, giving reasons for the decision.
9.5 Should a committee member be nominated then the rest of the committee is to meet at a time, or in a manner, that the nominated member is not present.
9.6 Life members are exempt from paying annual registration fees.
10. Club Funds
10.1 Accounts are to be maintained with a recognised financial institution as determined by the committee according to the club’s needs.
10.2 All expenditure must be authorised by the committee.
10.3 All cheques must be signed by any two committee members who are authorised signatories as determined by the committee. Similarly any transfer of funds will also be authorised in the same manner.
10.4 A petty cash system is to be maintained as determined at the first committee meeting following the AGM. All claims for payment must be supported by receipts or documentation.
10.5 Adequate records must be maintained for the sale of club related items.
10.6 Depositing of all income collected must be made at least once a fortnight.
11. Amendments
11.1 Changes to this constitution can only be brought about by a 2/3 majority vote of members in attendance at the Annual General Meeting or an Extraordinary General meeting called for the purpose. 21 days notice must be given.
12. Dissolution of the Club
12.1 Dissolution may only occur by a 2/3 majority vote of members in attendance at an AGM or an EGM called for the purpose of disbanding.
12.2 All current assets of the Club shall be dispersed to a nominated registered charity as determined by a 2/3 majority vote of the remaining members.
12.3 Any debts owed by members must be paid on dissolution of the Club.
13 By-Laws
13.1 The committee shall establish a set of by-laws for the operation of the Club.
13.2 By-laws can be changed by the committee after all registered members have been notified and given an opportunity to make a submission for the committee to consider.
13.3 A 2/3 majority of committee members is required to change by-laws.