Westies Halloween Run

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Come run our family fun Halloween Run.


There is no obligation to get into Halloween gear but it should be fun, give it some thought. 

This is just a warning that there could possibly be a few strange-looking people running/ walking on the course( so we hear you say "what is different about that?"). We will have a few decorations to mark the coming Halloween and some "treats". A bit of Fun particularly for the kids. 

Our last Halloween Run was in Covid Times (2020), see photos, Alex Bucci got very involved with her amazing "makeover" but Davo looked much the same as he always does :o).  

New runners & visitors, be our guest, you will be most welcome, there is no obligation to join the club. Come along and see what you think, have some fun, run/walk at your own pace. If you could let us know that you may be coming, that would be great

- Your choice of 3 distances: 3.5km & 5km & 10km

- Our 3.5km course has an optional 1.5km extension to make a 5km in total (map) These courses will be clearly marked up and easy to follow. If you want someone to run/walk with, get there at around 7:15am

- Or, you can join our 10k runners at 7:30am (map). We will have people to show you around the course

- All runs are self-timed.  (This is not part of our annual competition, just a bit of fun)

We will have the usual free Tea and Coffee available (self-made, our Barista is out running :o)
