Festival of the Feet - Volunteers Run/Walk - Postponed

Event information

Registrations for this event are closed.

Volunteers Run/Walk - Saturday 25th July

Saturday, 27 July, is the Festival of the Feet Volunteers Run to give our volunteers the chance to get their much deserved finishers medals in their choice of either the 3km, 7km, 14km or 21.1km events.

This event is open to all club members to run, however only finishers who volunteered and who did not compete on Festival Day will receive medals.

Afterwards we are planning a breakfast bbq.

Event Times:

  • 3km at 7:50am
  • 7km at 7:30am
  • 14km at 7:00am
  • 21.1km at 6:00am for runners expecting a time of 2:00 - 2:30 h:mm
  • 21.1km at 6:30am for runners expecting a time of less than 2 hours

All runners, please advise Vic by 9:00am Friday at westiesjoggers@gmail.com which event you will be running.

And if you are able to assist with marshalling and/or bbq'ing please let us know also.

Sunrise is at 6:50am with first light around 6:25am. Early starters might need a headlamp for part of that the first lap given they will start in the dark.

Electronic Timing - wearing of Chips
We are timing the events electronically and ask all participants to wear a chip. If you do not compete in regular club events and/or do not own a chip, we will lend you a chip for the day. Please arrive early for your chosen event and ensure you have a chip.

The Course
The courses will be chalked and coned, however with minimum marshalling.

Lucky draws:
We will have some lucky draws for all our volunteers on the FotF day...

There will be 2 major draws for a $50 Rebel gift card in a draw... winners need NOT be present.

There will be a number of other/minor draws for which the winners do need to be present.

